
Saturday, 28 December 2013

Dengue Fever:

Dengue fever is a lethal viral infection transmitted through biting of a particular type of mosquito known as “Aedes Aegypti”. The virus attacks blood cell, spleen, liver and results in a low white blood cell count and reduces the number of platelets (blood clotting components) in the body. Severe headache, high fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, body ache, loss of appetite, cough, sore throat are some of the symptoms of dengue fever. This fever usually lasts for 2 weeks.
Once diagnosed with this fever, careful steps should be taken as this fever can also result in death of the patient. High fever should be controlled by consuming paracetamol, avoiding the use of antibiotics as they would result in further decreasing the number of white blood cells and platelets in the patient’s body.
Precaution is better than cure, should be our motto for a healthier environment. Dengue is a fever that kills. It is transferred through stagnant water as well, so precautionary measures should be taken regarding this. Regular blood tests should be done in order to monitor the count of platelets and blood cells. Mosquito sprays should be done in dengue affected areas.

Bentham Science Publishers’ journal “Anti-Infective Agents” publishes original research, expert reviews, drug clinical trial studies and guest edited issues on all the latest and outstanding developments on the medicinal chemistry, biology, pharmacology and use of anti-infective and anti-parasitic agents. This Bentham Journal is a useful guide for all infectious disease researchers in industry, academia and the health services. For more information, you can check

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